Thom Freitag is a trained improviser, podcaster, actor, and Tabletop Roleplaying Game enthusiast with over a decade of GMing experience.
I've been a storyteller since I knew how to speak, and passionate tabletop gamer since not long after that. It has provided me with a unique creative outlet for collaborative, improvisational storytelling. One that I'm eager to share with others.I offer games tailored to the players, making use of safety materials and open communication to ensure safe fun for everyone at the table.I am available for online games or for in-person games in Southern Maine, Southern New Hampshire or Northeastern Massachusetts.Whether it's a one-off session, a short run, or a long campaign, I can bring a roleplaying adventure right to you. Whether you're an experienced player, or someone who is curious to try, it would be my pleasure to run your game.My rates are flexible, impacted by travel distance (if any), player count, and any materials purchased for the game.I am also available for:
-In-store events
-Podcast appearances
-Streaming appearances.Click the link below to send an email with any inquiries about booking a game!

As heard on
-Green Mountain Mysteries - Player & GM (2020 - Present)
-Otherwhere: Season 1 - Player (2020-2021)
-Discount Dungeons: Season 1 & 2 - Guest Player (2020 - 2022)
-Goblets & Gays: Wolves In The Dark - Player (2022)
-Super Suits - Voice Actor (2022 - Present)
GMing examples
Green Mountain Mysteries: Episode 47
Featuring Stuart Wellington of The Flop House
Base Rates
One 3-4 Hour Session: $25 dollars per player
$5 per player for every scheduled hour after 4
$20 for every hour of travel (Waived if travel takes less than 30 minutes)
Additional fees may be assessed if additional materials are required (IE: Books, VTT Assets)
Rates may be subject to change at any time
Cancellation Policy
Any session cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will incur a fee of 50% of the session's cost.
Exceptions due to emergencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Hosting Provided By